Author: T W

Here we are, over one year later, and we, Project Exodus Relief, are still working hard at assisting Afghans trapped in Afghanistan. We are still grappling with the disastrous aftermath of this new regime’s cruel rule in Afghanistan. Afghan nationals and American citizens continue to contact us in order to be evacuated from the country. Meanwhile, more obstacles are piling up in front of us. We have hunger, illiteracy, abuse, crime, terror, insecurity, and so on. And it only gets worse. To top it all off, winter in Afghanistan is dangerous, and we are in for a brutally cold winter.…

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I would say that after a year, we have had zero official correspondence from the USG (United States Government) about our SOF partners, who, as I’ve said before, have helped us rescue the Americans. Meanwhile, the United States Government has stolen 20 million dollars in processing fees for the 66, 000 Humanitarian Parole visas that Afghans have submitted, while only 123 have been approved. In contrast, 88,000 were submitted for Ukrainians in a much shorter period of time. As much as 77% have been approved with zero fees collected. Why are theirs free and Afghans have to pay? The Balance…

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I’ve spent some significant time over the last weeks thinking, sometimes unwillingly, about this anniversary. Iwas there, in Kabul, in August 2021 with my friends both American and Afghan, many of whom I consider forever brothers. We all believed in what we were doing. But more, we believed in each other. Every day, we checked a few specific sources of multiple media outlets. We checked with locals we knew and trusted. Every day, we woke up to see a closer and closer advance of the 20-year enemy. I remember a very specific conversation I had with one of my now…

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Reflections on Afghanistan Rescue Efforts: 15 August 2021 to 15 August 2022 The other morning, I woke up to a beautiful sunshine-filled day, but I was heavy-hearted. My calendar reminded me that exactly one year ago, to the day, was the anniversary of the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. My history of involvement started on 15 August 2021. I received a phone call from my civilian business client who is of Afghan descent. We had gotten to know each other over the years and when we were not speaking of business matters, we engaged in practical discussions about world events.…

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Every politician in the United States is wearing a lapel button with the Ukrainian flag on it, and citizens are shunned for not changing their social media profile images to the Ukrainian flag. The United States government has committed more than $13.6 billion USD to humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine. The majority of NATO countries are also sending guns, ammunition, and military equipment to Ukraine in order to support the country. Why is Afghanistan not getting the same attention as Ukraine? Now realize that all Afghanistan cant import food because they don’t have the money, they can’tearn money on exports…

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