Author: Project Exodus Relief

Another case of “Big Tech” censorship? Five for Fighting singer and songwriter John Ondrasik recently released a song and video, “Blood on My Hands” on YouTube criticizing the withdrawal of the Afghanistan. The video included clips of “graphic” Taliban imagery, according to YouTube, and it was quickly pulled just as it began to go viral. Ondrasik included a graphic warning disclaimer at the beginning of the video to let the audience know that the content would not be suitable for younger audiences due to images of Taliban atrocities. Ondrasik also properly tagged the video as not suitable for children, per…

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The Taliban Wants to Legitimize Themselves. That’s Dangerous for the World. The Taliban requires no introduction. Formed as a militia as early as 1994, they now recognize themselves as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, or the second governorship of Afghanistan. We’ve all read and watched the news where the Taliban claims that they will “respect human rights”, provide rights to women and girls, the media, and former Afghan Army soldiers. They’ve broken every promise thus far, to the surprise of no one. All the while, the Taliban are on a desperate path to claim themselves as a legitimate government and…

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Afghanistan families are selling women and daughters in desperation to survive in the brutal new realities of life under the Taliban. With little or no food, money, or clothing – many families are having to make extreme measures to survive. All at the grave expense of women and daughters targeted by the Taliban. Therefore, there may be no larger group of individuals at risk in Afghanistan than women and girls. With millions of families across Afghanistan, the Taliban – now with absolute power – have changed every facet of living in the country. Many families who could only earn a…

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Question: Mike, tell us about yourself and your military service. What inspired you to serve? Mike: When I originally enlisted, I just wanted to travel and see some cool places. After my first 3 years in the Army I hated it and was ready to get out, then 9/11 happened. That changed everything. At that point I had to re-enlist to fight for my country. Roughly 18 years later I would be retiring with 22 years of service from the Army after deploying 18 times to combat, and serving in one of the smallest and most secretive SMU’s [Special Mission…

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When the last United States troops left Afghanistan on August 31, 2021 it ended a 20-year war in the region. The years of conflict in Afghanistan were intended to topple the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and catch Osama Bin Laden dead or alive at all costs. Many other military and humanitarian missions also existed, such as providing women the chance to play sports or attend school – something unfathomable under the oppressive Taliban regime. Real progress on so many fronts was accomplished with American presence in Afghanistan, and despite partisan politics on both sides advocating for a drawdown or exit of Afghanistan,…

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